Flavorful Choices:
Our Diet range offers 18 variants including ice cold shakes, hot meals, creamy soups, and desserts for six daily servings, combining essential nutrients with low calories. Choose from flavors like Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon, Chai Latte, Risotto, Spicy Thai Chicken Soup, and more to revitalize your New Year routine.

Balanced Approach:
Restore your balance and embrace the New Year with our very easy, efficient and tasty diet plan. We even offer complete meal plans, were you can combine our Nupo Diet with.

Quality Through Research:
With a history spanning over 40 years in the market and backed by more than 35 research studies, the quality and safety of our Diet products are well-established.

Find your Diet products now!
  • Flavorful Choices:

    Our Diet range offers 18 variants including ice cold shakes, hot meals, creamy soups, and desserts for six daily servings, combining essential nutrients with low calories. Choose from flavors like Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon, Chai Latte, Risotto, Spicy Thai Chicken Soup, and more to revitalize your New Year routine.

  • Balanced Approach:

    Restore your balance and embrace the New Year with our very easy, efficient and tasty diet plan. We even offer complete meal plans, were you can combine our Nupo Diet with.

  • Quality Through Research:

    With a history spanning over 40 years in the market and backed by more than 35 research studies, the quality and safety of our Diet products are well-established.


  • Get your motivation back

  • Save time on those busy days

  • It’s safe, easy and convenient

  • Choose from 18 different flavours

  • +35 individual clinical studies


The Nupo Diet is also known as a Total Diet Replacement (TDR) or a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), and it offers you the ideal start to the new year, focusing on restoring your everyday balance.
With 800 calories per day, our nutritionally balanced meals provide a perfect combination of flavour and all the nutrients your body needs. This simple approach ensures that you can enjoy every meal without worrying about cooking big meals and calorie counting, while still maintaining a balanced and energetic lifestyle. Begin your journey towards a more balanced day with Nupo Diet.

See our selection of Nupo Diet


Soups, Shakes and Meals
The diet program offers a range of shakes, meals, and soups, formulated for a daily intake of approximately 800 calories and you can mix and match as you prefer. This method entails substituting typical meals with six of these specialized diet products each day, available in a variety of 18 different flavours. To accommodate diverse preferences and needs, the program also includes alternative plans with 1200 and 1500 calorie options. These plans are designed to fit various lifestyles and nutritional objectives.

  • 106-133 kcal per Serving
  • All Essential Nutrients
Discover Our Plans